Unpacking Concerns: Why The Message Bible Is Dangerous

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Why the Message Bible Might Raise an Eyebrow – it’s like a zesty remix of the good old Bible, and you might wonder, “PASTOR Mike, what’s the deal with it?” Well, let’s break it down in a way that speaks to your heart. The Message Bible, crafted by the skillful wordsmith Eugene Peterson, is like … Read more

In Search Of Truth: Why Is 963 Hz The God Frequency

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Why’s 963 Hz the God’s Playlist? It’s like digging into the secrets of spiritual sound with a twist. Picture this: in the ancient days, monks were like the original DJs, spinning Gregorian chants that had magical vibes. Now, part of their playlist was the solfeggio frequencies, and at the heart of it is the 963Hz, … Read more

Coping With Spiritual Crisis: Understanding “Why Has God Forsaken Me”

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“Why has God forsaken me?” These aren’t just words; they’re a heart’s cry, echoing through time. Think of it like this: picture Jesus on the cross, His pain and humanity laid bare, asking the heavens this piercing question. It’s not just about feeling abandoned; it’s a journey from darkness to light, despair to hope. This … Read more

Finding My Path: Explaining Why I Left The Assemblies Of God

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Why I Left the Assemblies of God – It’s like changing lanes on the highway of faith. The Assemblies of God, a big player in the Pentecostal world, is like a spiritual engine, revving its way across the globe. But here’s the twist: some folks, feeling that spiritual hunger in their hearts, find themselves taking … Read more

The Question Of Innocence: “Why Does God Kill The Innocent?”

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Why does God take the innocent? It’s a question that hits you like a ton of bricks, right? Picture this: you’re reading the Bible, and you come across stories like Sodom and Gomorrah, where God’s judgment seems to spare no one, not even the innocent. I get it; it’s a head-scratcher. Now, some folks, especially … Read more

Faith And Revelation: Why Does God Blind The Eyes Of Unbelievers?

why does god blind the eyes of unbelievers BibleBreathe Featured Image

Why does God blind the eyes of unbelievers? It’s a deep question, my friends, like exploring the depths of faith’s ocean. Picture this: we’re in a spiritual discussion with a cup of coffee in hand, seeking answers in the pages of the Bible. Now, let’s break it down. You’ve got this debate in theology about … Read more

The Age-Old Question: Why Does God Allow Evil To Exist?

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Why in the world would God allow evil, right? It’s like standing in a storm and wondering why a loving Father would let thunder rumble. This question, my friends, is as old as the hills, and it’s got us all scratching our heads. From the Problem of Evil to the whole deal with Free Will, … Read more

Unpacking The Hate: Why Do People Hate God

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Why do people hate God? It’s like trying to figure out why some folks can’t stand a good old-fashioned Sunday potluck. But, my friends, we’re here to dig deep into this complex relationship between us humans and the Big Guy upstairs. Think of it like this: We’ve got misotheism and dystheism in one corner, questioning … Read more

Understanding God’S Judgment: Why Did God Hate Esau

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Why did God hate Esau? Let’s dive into this biblical puzzler, fam! Picture this: Jacob and Esau, twins from the get-go, born to Isaac and Rebekah. Now, we all know families have their dramas, but this one’s next level. So, there’s this line in the Bible that goes, “Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated. … Read more

Divine Design: Why Did God Give Women Periods According To The Bible?

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Why did God give women periods? This question might feel a bit like uncharted territory, but trust me, it’s a journey worth taking. You see, in the grand book of life, menstruation is like a monthly chapter written with divine ink. Back in the day, some folks labeled it as “unclean.” But hold on, let’s … Read more

Divine Tolerance: Why Did God Allow Concubines?

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Why in the world did God allow concubines back in biblical times, you might wonder? Well, let’s dive into this intriguing topic, my friends. You see, in the good old days, a concubine wasn’t your typical second-string partner; they played a unique role in the divine story. Picture this: the patriarchal period, where King David … Read more

The Evolution Of Belief: Why Amy Grant Doesn T Believe In God Anymore

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Why Amy Grant Doesn’t Believe in God Anymore is a burning question, my friends, like a fire in our hearts. We’ve all heard Amy Grant’s melodies lifting our spirits in the world of Christian music. But now, there’s a storm brewing in her journey. The wind of controversy is blowing strong. Picture this: Amy Grant, … Read more

Authorship Unveiled: Who Wrote “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”?

who wrote god rest ye merry gentlemen BibleBreathe Featured Image

Who penned “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen”? This carol, like a cherished Christmas gift, has a tale to tell. It’s like a favorite melody, soothing our hearts during the festive season. “God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen” isn’t just a song; it’s a Christmas classic that’s been singing in our hearts for ages. But do you … Read more

The Mysterious Writer: Who Wrote A Course In Miracles?

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Who penned “A Course in Miracles”? It’s a burning question that often sparks curiosity. This ain’t your average book, folks; it’s a guide to a serious spiritual makeover! Picture this: Helen Schucman and William Thetford, they’re like cosmic scribes, channeling wisdom from a higher plane. It’s as if the universe left them a voicemail, and … Read more

Biblical Exclusions: Who Will Not Go to Heaven According To The Bible?

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Who won’t make heaven’s guest list, according to the Good Book? Now, that’s a burning question, fam, and it’s like deciphering the divine VIP access. The Bible, our roadmap for living righteously, lays down the law on what behaviors might just land you outside those pearly gates. From playing around with idols to dabbling in … Read more

Theology Of Damnation: Who Will Go To Hell Bible Verses

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Who’s bound for hell according to Bible verses? It’s like navigating the roadmap of eternity, and I’m here to break it down for you. Hell, it’s not a fiery lake for nothing—it’s the ultimate consequence. In Christianity, it’s all about being right with God, seeking His righteousness. But if you choose the path of unrighteousness, … Read more

Loving Your Neighbor: Understanding “Who Is Your Neighbor” In The Bible

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Who’s your neighbor in the Bible? This question, my friends, takes us deep into the heart of God’s Word, where love is the name of the game. It’s like the ultimate “love thy neighbor” showdown! Picture this: Jesus is laying down some heavenly wisdom, and He drops that golden nugget, “Love your neighbor as yourself,” … Read more

Walking In His Footsteps: Who Followed Jesus In The Bible

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Who Followed Jesus in the Bible? Picture this: Jesus, the ultimate game-changer, the world’s greatest influencer. But He didn’t walk this journey alone; He had His squad, His crew, His disciples. These guys were more than just followers; they were His right-hand people, His inner circle. You could say they were like the original members … Read more

Divine Displeasure: Who Does God Hate In The Bible

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Who does God hate in the Bible? It’s like peeling back the layers of a divine onion, my friends. The Good Book, our roadmap for life, tells us about seven things that get under God’s skin, as mentioned in Proverbs 6:16–19. Think of it as God’s “not-to-do” list. You’ve got pride, which is like the … Read more

Forbidden Love: Who Committed Fornication In The Bible

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“Who in the Bible dared to dance with temptation? Picture the ancient scriptures as a stage where human desires and divine lessons entwine. Back then, fornication was like a recurring character – adultery, lust, and immorality were its co-stars. We’ve got Rahab’s harlotry, David’s fall, and the famous Samson and Delilah escapade. These tales are … Read more

Communion Participants: Who Can Take Communion According To The Bible?

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Who gets an invite to the communion party according to the Bible? It’s like setting a table for your close pals at the best restaurant in town. Communion, also known as the Lord’s Table, is a big deal in the Christian faith, but who’s on the guest list? Let’s break it down, my friends! From … Read more

Agents Of Harmony: Who Are The Peacemakers In The Bible?

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Who in the World are the Peacemakers in the Good Book? Peace, my friends, it’s like the sweet honey in our spiritual tea. And when we talk about peacemakers, we’re diving deep into the heart of the Bible. Right there in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus drops this gem in Matthew 5:9: “Blessed are … Read more

Personal Boundaries: Where In The Bible Does It Say Not To Touch Yourself

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Where in the Bible does it say not to touch yourself? Now, that’s a real head-scratcher, ain’t it? In our tech-savvy, fast-paced world, it’s crucial to dive into the biblical pool of wisdom and navigate these deep waters. You see, the Good Book doesn’t exactly drop the mic on the topic of masturbation, but it’s … Read more

Watch Your Tongue: Where In The Bible Does It Say Cursing Is A Sin

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Where in the Bible does it say cursing is a sin, fam? You know, it’s a hot topic today, with all kinds of words flying around. Some folks say it’s no big deal, while others feel it’s straight-up a spiritual red flag. Now, when you open that Good Book, you’re gonna find some verses talking … Read more

The Unbelieving Mockers: What Is A Scoffer In The Bible

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What’s the Deal with Scoffers in the Bible? Picture this, my friends. You’re diving into the Bible, and there it is, the word “scoffer.” Ever wondered what that means? Well, stick around, because we’re about to unpack it, PASTOR MICHAEL TODD style. A scoffer isn’t just someone poking fun; it’s a whole attitude, filled with … Read more

Exploring The Meaning: “What Is A Prayer For Judgement” In Faith

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What’s a Prayer for Judgment, fam? It’s like that unexpected lifeline when you’ve made a wrong turn in the legal traffic of life. In North Carolina, it’s our secret sauce—a PJC, standing for Prayer for Judgment Continued. It’s the court’s way of saying, “Hold on, let’s give you a second chance.” Now, picture this: you’ve … Read more

Virtuous And Faithful: What Is A God-Fearing Woman?

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What’s a God-Fearing Woman, fam? It’s like having the blueprint for living life in the best possible way, God’s way. We’re talking about women who don’t just talk the talk but walk the walk when it comes to faith, and let me tell you, that’s some next-level stuff. In the Bible, there’s this superstar, the … Read more

Exploring Faith: What Is A God Fearing Man?

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What’s a God-fearing man, y’all? It’s like having a GPS for your soul, guiding you on the righteous highway. Imagine it as being at the edge of the Grand Canyon, totally in awe, but humble, too. A God-fearing man ain’t about shivers and shakes but embracing that divine respect, living with spiritual wisdom and rocking … Read more

Emotions Unveiled: What Does The Bible Say About Feelings?

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What does the Bible say about emotions and feelings? Hey, family! Life’s like this big rollercoaster of emotions, right? We’re talking joy, heartache, love—every feeling in the book! It’s a wild ride, and it’s all there in the good ol’ Bible. The Bible isn’t just about rules and stories; it’s God speaking to us about … Read more

Honesty And Faith: What Does God Say About Cheating?

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What’s the divine take on cheating? It’s like a high-stakes game we all play at some point, but are the odds in our favor when it comes to God’s perspective? In the good book and other sacred writings, we’re faced with tales and teachings that tackle this age-old issue. From the slick deception that leads … Read more

Self-Help: Unpacking The “God Helps Those Who Help Themselves” In He Bible Idea

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“God helps those who help themselves in the Bible?” We’ve all heard it, right? It’s like a spiritual nugget of wisdom, encouraging us to get up and take charge of our lives. But let’s break it down. This catchy phrase? Well, it didn’t actually originate in the Bible. It’s more like a guest that made … Read more

Breaking Bread: How Often Should You Take Communion According To The Bible

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Ever wondered, how often should you take communion according to the Bible? It’s like asking how often you should call your mom to say, “I love you.” Communion, or the Lord’s Supper, it’s like our spiritual family dinner with Jesus. Imagine the Bible as our recipe book for life, and in 1 Corinthians 11:23–26, we … Read more

Aspiring To Greatness: How To Become A God According To Scripture

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How to Become a God: Now that’s a question, fam, right? It’s like this age-old dream we’ve all had, trying to hit that divine level. Picture it as a journey, walking through history and cultures, all aiming for that god-status. See, it’s not just a magic trick. We’re talking deep stuff, fam, diving into spiritual … Read more

God’S Love And Human Trials: If God Loves Us Why Do Bad Things Happen?

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If God Loves Us, Why Do Bad Things Happen? Now, folks, this is a question that’s been keeping us up at night, right? It’s like trying to understand the mysteries of the universe. Why, in the midst of all that divine love, do we face the storms of suffering? Imagine this: it’s like standing in … Read more

Divine Emotions Unveiled: If Jealousy Is A Sin Why Is God Jealous

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If God hates jealousy, why is He a jealous God? This here is a real head-scratcher, y’all. Jealousy, when it’s us humans feelin’ it, it’s often a red flag, a sin. But then, the Bible says God’s got this thing called divine jealousy. What’s up with that? So, let’s break it down like this: You … Read more

Forbidden Language: What Curse Words Are In The Bible?

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What’s the deal with curse words in the Bible, folks? I mean, it’s a question that can make you raise an eyebrow, right? In our world of colorful language, the Bible, our guide to life, throws us some curveballs. So, let’s take a ride into the biblical rollercoaster of words and see what’s what. Now, … Read more

Divine Expectations Unveiled: What Does God Require Of Us?

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What does God require of us, fam? It’s not some mystery locked in an ancient tome but a living truth! In the book of Deuteronomy, at 10:12, we’re handed a divine GPS to navigate this journey. Think of it like your best friend giving you directions to their house. They’re not just words; it’s the … Read more

Living In His Footsteps: How To Live Like Jesus

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How to Live Like Jesus? In this fast-paced world of ours, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle. But let me tell you, my friends, we can still walk in the footsteps of Jesus today. You might wonder, “How to live like Jesus in this crazy world?” Well, think of Jesus as the … Read more