The Chosen One: Why Did God Choose Moses

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Why did God choose Moses?

Now, that’s a question that hits you right in the heart, like a lightning bolt of curiosity.

Picture this: Moses, an ordinary guy turned into a biblical superhero.

It’s like God’s version of an epic movie casting.

Moses, just a regular dude, became the hero of the Exodus story, leading the enslaved Israelites out of Egypt‘s grasp.

You might wonder, why him?

Well, let me tell you, God saw something in him that others missed.

From the burning bush to those mind-blowing Ten Plagues that rocked Egypt to its core, Moses was chosen for a reason.

But it’s not just about the grandeur of miracles; it’s about his journey through the desert, his family life with Zipporah, and those moments of doubt and awe.

Moses’ story is our story, filled with struggles, doubts, and God’s call to greatness.

He gave us the Commandments and the sacred Ark of the Covenant, paving the way for our faith today.

So, let’s dive into this tale of destiny, faith, and the incredible choice that shaped history.

It’s a story that’ll ignite your faith journey!


Key Takeaways

  • God’s choice of Moses for a pivotal role in the biblical narrative was influenced by several significant factors. Moses displayed exceptional character traits, humility, and unwavering faith, making him a suitable vessel for God’s purposes.
  • Moses’ early life, marked by his upbringing in Pharaoh’s household and his later exile, prepared him for the challenges of leadership. His experiences uniquely positioned him to understand the struggles and needs of both the Hebrew people and the Egyptians.
  • Moses’ humility is a defining characteristic that endeared him to God. He was hesitant to accept God’s call and questioned his own abilities, demonstrating a profound reliance on God’s guidance rather than self-confidence.
  • Moses’ faithfulness was unwavering, even in the face of immense trials and tribulations. His trust in God’s promises and his willingness to follow God’s instructions, including leading the Israelites out of Egypt and receiving the Ten Commandments, exemplify his steadfast devotion.
  • Moses serves as a timeless example of a true leader, emphasizing the qualities of character, humility, and faithfulness as essential attributes for effective leadership. His leadership style prioritized the well-being of his people and a deep connection with God.
  • Understanding why God chose Moses underscores the importance of character and faith in leadership roles. Moses’ story reminds us that God often selects individuals who possess qualities of humility, faithfulness, and a heart for serving others. Moses’ legacy continues to inspire leaders across cultures and generations to lead with compassion, integrity, and a reliance on divine guidance.

“Moses: God’s MVP Pick!”

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Photo modified by Original photo by Sasun Bughdaryan on Unsplash


Today, we’re diving into the epic tale of Moses, God’s MVP—Most Valuable Player!

Picture this: a royal baby in the heart of Egypt’s palace, living large.

Raised in Pharaoh’s palace, Moses had the finest chariots and silk robes, but deep inside, he knew he was made for something more.

“Moses: Prince with a Purpose!”

One day, Moses saw an Egyptian abusing a Hebrew brother.

His heart shouted, “This ain’t right!”

and he took a stand, defending his kin.

He chose justice over comfort, and this bold move set his destiny in motion.

His act of justice: Killing an Egyptian to save a Hebrew slave showed he was not just a prince in a palace, but a warrior for justice.

“Moses vs. the Benchwarmers: God’s Draft Strategy”

God had options—Aaron, Miriam, and others in the spiritual draft.

But God had His eye on Moses, like a coach picks the star player.

Moses had the heart, the guts, the grit!

Comparison with other potential leaders like Aaron and Miriam revealed Moses was the game-changer.

Imagine God saying, “Moses, you got the leadership sauce!

You’re gonna face Pharaoh, lead your people to freedom, and rock it in the wilderness.”

It was a divine plan, an assignment tailor-made for Moses.

You know what?

God’s got a plan for each of us too.

Just like Moses, we’re chosen for a purpose, even when we feel small or unsure.

God’s got the playbook, and He’s calling us to step into our destiny!

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.”Jeremiah 29:11 (ESV)

The Choice of Moses: A Divine Selection

a person standing on a rocky hill
Photo modified by Original photo by Benoît Deschasaux on Unsplash

Moses, oh Moses!

A man chosen with divine wisdom and love, akin to a shepherd choosing the most spirited lamb from the flock.

Let’s venture into what made this man stand out, not just in the eyes of the Almighty, but in the annals of history.

A Shepherd and His Runaway Lamb

Imagine a vast desert, where Moses, once a shepherd, watched over his flock of sheep.

One day, one little lamb strayed away, lost and frightened.

Moses, demonstrating not just compassion but a sense of responsibility, went after it.

God, too, sought a shepherd for His lost and wandering people, the Israelites.

Moses exhibited the same dedication to his flock that he later showed to the people he was destined to lead.

Moses: Kindness Personified

In the tapestry of Moses’ life, kindness was woven intricately.

He displayed a heart that beat not only for his own kin but for strangers and those in need.

When he encountered the daughters of Jethro at a well, he didn’t shy away from helping them, despite being a foreigner in Midian.

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This benevolent act was a reflection of Moses’ inherent nature—a nature that God recognized and valued greatly.

The Importance of Kindness in Leadership

Leadership isn’t just about power and authority; it’s about the heart behind the decisions, the compassion that drives actions.

Moses exemplified this.

His kindness, empathy, and willingness to aid others set him on a path of divine purpose.

In a world that often craves might and dominion, God’s choice of Moses reminds us that true leadership blossoms from kindness, understanding, and a willingness to help, much like a shepherd guiding his sheep through the vast and sometimes perilous terrain.

“The Lord said, ‘I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.'”Exodus 3:7 (KJV)

Why God Chose Moses: Growing Up in Royalty

a leaf that is laying on the ground
Photo modified by Original photo by bryan priestley on Unsplash

Moses, oh Moses!

Have you ever wondered why God specifically chose this man for such an extraordinary mission?

Let’s dive into the early chapters of Moses’ life and discover the divine design behind his selection.

Moses’ Unique Position in Egypt’s Royal Family

Picture this: baby Moses, floating in a basket among the reeds of the Nile River.

It’s like the opening scene of an epic movie, and it’s setting the stage for a story of divine purpose.

You see, Moses was no ordinary Hebrew child.

He was plucked from the river by none other than Pharaoh’s daughter, Bithiah.

“And when she [Bithiah] had opened it [the basket], she saw the child: and, behold, the babe wept.”Exodus 2:6 (KJV)

Right from the start, Moses had a foot in two different worlds.

Born a Hebrew, yet raised in the opulence of the Egyptian palace, he was uniquely positioned to bridge the gap between his people and the ruling elite.

The Story of His Rescue by Pharaoh’s Daughter, Bithiah

Imagine Bithiah, the princess, discovering that baby Moses, the Hebrew child, is crying amidst the rushes.

Her heart must have been moved by compassion.

Little did she know that this crying babe would become a towering figure in the history of God’s people.

It’s a story that speaks to the way God orchestrates events in our lives, even through unexpected circumstances.

The Significance of Moses’ Name and Its Foreshadowing

Names are more than just labels; they can be prophetic.

Moses’ name itself carries a powerful foreshadowing of his life’s purpose.

The name “Moses” sounds like the Hebrew word “mashah,” which means “to draw out.”

And draw out, he did.

Moses was chosen by God to draw the Israelites out of bondage in Egypt.

In a world of slavery and oppression, God chose a man with a name that declared his destiny – to draw his people out of their suffering and lead them toward freedom.

So, there you have it.

The early years of Moses’ life were marked by extraordinary circumstances and divine providence.

His upbringing in royalty, rescue by Pharaoh’s daughter, and the very name he carried, all pointed towards a greater purpose in the grand tapestry of God’s plan.

In the next section, we’ll explore Moses’ journey into the wilderness of Midian, where the burning bush encounter awaited him, and the rest, as they say, is history.

“And I am sure that the king of Egypt will not let you go, no, not by a mighty hand.”Exodus 3:19 (KJV)

The Divine Choice: Why in the World God Picked Moses

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Alright, fam, let’s talk about why God chose Moses for one of the most epic missions in history.

You see, when God makes a choice, it’s never random.

It’s all part of a grand plan, and Moses was no exception.

We’re going to dive into the early days of Moses’ life, especially his time in Egypt, and uncover why he was the guy for the job.

Moses’ Egyptian Education: The School of Hard Knocks

Moses kicked things off in Egypt, a place not too different from what you might call a city of wonders.

Specifically, he spent some quality time in a joint called Heliopolis.

Imagine Heliopolis as a bit of an ancient university town with scrolls galore, towering libraries, and scholars hustling around like it’s finals week.

Here’s the deal: Moses didn’t just learn the basics.

He wasn’t just studying hieroglyphs or checking out the Sphinx.

Nope, he was hitting the books on everything from the stars in the sky to numbers that’d make your head spin, plus all that ancient literature.

The guy was soaking up knowledge like a sponge in the middle of a brainstorm.

Education and Leadership: The Divine Connection

Now, why in the world is Moses’ education so crucial?

Well, it’s all about getting prepped for a gig that’s out of this world.

God was up to something big, and Moses was His guy.

And this isn’t a ‘just wing it’ kinda mission, my friends.

This is leadership on steroids.

Moses’ education wasn’t random.

God was grooming him for this massive responsibility.

Think about it like this: it’s like God was sending him to ‘Divine Leadership School’ in Egypt’s Ivy League.

He wasn’t just going to read the books; he was going to live them.

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”Isaiah 55:8 (KJV)

In our lives, there are moments when we don’t get why we’re going through certain stuff.

But trust me, just like Moses, God’s got a plan.

Every experience, every lesson, it’s all part of the divine plan.

So, as we cruise through Moses’ story, remember that God’s choices are for a bigger purpose.

We might not get it all now, but we gotta trust the process.

Why in the World Did God Choose Moses, Anyway?

the statue of liberty is on top of a building
Photo modified by Original photo by Chris Linnett on Unsplash

You know, when we look back in history, there’s this one question that keeps popping up: Why in the world did God choose Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt?

Let’s take a little journey through time and explore this divine selection, all while comparing Moses to the infamous Pharaoh.

Moses: The Hesitant Hero

Now, picture this – Moses, like a character from a movie who’s not so sure about being the hero, had his doubts when God called him.

He had excuses piling up like a to-do list on a busy day.

But God, in all His wisdom, saw something deeper in Moses.

He saw a heart ready to serve, a heart that could rise above the self-doubt.

God chose Moses because, under all those uncertainties, He spotted a leader in the making.

Now, let’s flip the script to Pharaoh.

This guy, he was like the poster child for stubbornness.

Instead of going along with God’s plan, his heart was tougher than a bootcamp drill sergeant.

His arrogance and stubbornness didn’t just affect him, it brought suffering to the Egyptian people and, well, eventually, their downfall.

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Moses vs. Pharaoh: Background and Positions

Moses, in his early years, was a simple shepherd.

Just imagine that – watching over some sheep in the quiet fields of Midian, far from the glitz and glamour of Pharaoh’s palace.

God often chooses the underdogs, the humble ones, to carry out His biggest plans.

Moses’ humble beginnings and wilderness experiences were all part of his training, preparing him to lead a nation through the rugged desert.

Pharaoh, on the other hand, was a big-shot ruler, living it up in luxury and throwing his weight around.

His wealth and power made him blind to the suffering of the Israelites.

God’s choice of Moses underscored the importance of being humble and having empathy, values that still hit home with us today.

The Big Picture: Moses and Pharaoh in the Exodus Story

The interactions between Moses and Pharaoh, my friends, that’s the heart and soul of the Exodus story.

Moses, the guy with a staff and a divine calling, went toe-to-toe with Pharaoh, the symbol of human pride and stubbornness.

Those showdowns led to the Ten Plagues, the Red Sea parting like it was doing the splits, and the Israelites breaking free from slavery.

God picked Moses not just to lead His people out of bondage but to set up a covenant and bring down those Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai.

Moses became a symbol of God’s mercy, redemption, and faithfulness.

Through his leadership, the Israelites learned about faith, obedience, and the power of never giving up.

When we dig into this divine choice, we discover that God often goes for the underdogs, the humble souls, the ones who say, “Who, me?”

Our background and circumstances, they don’t define our ability to answer when God calls.

Just like Moses, we can step up, even if we’re a bit unsure or stuttering along the way.

“And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt?”Exodus 3:11 (KJV)

Why Did God Say, “Moses, You’re the One!”? The Amazing Story of a Shepherd’s Journey

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Photo modified by Original photo by Alexander Pogorelsky on Unsplash

Hey there, fam!

Let’s dive into the incredible story of why God picked Moses to lead a nation.

Moses’ Wild Wilderness Adventure

So, picture this: Moses, once a prince kickin’ it in the palace, suddenly finds himself rockin’ the shepherd’s gear in the wild Midian desert.

Can you imagine the plot twist?


In the desert’s rugged embrace, amidst the rocks and wilderness, Moses’s life went from royal robes to shepherd’s cloak.

It was like a superstar switching stages.


From Crook to Nuptial Vows

Now, Moses wasn’t just chasing sheep; he was chasing love too.

He met Zipporah, daughter of Jethro, the Midianite priest, and tied the knot.

Talk about life taking unexpected turns!


He traded the fancy city life for the simplicity of the wild.

The shepherd’s staff became his trusty sidekick, and he had to fend off dangers to protect his flock.

Life lessons, right there in the pasture.

Lessons from the Field: Humility and Patience 101

Picture Moses, watching over his flock, seeing the cycle of life.

Ever seen a baby lamb take its first steps?

Precious, right?

That’s the kind of gentleness and patience Moses had to learn.


God was sculpting Moses’ heart in the quiet corners of the wilderness.

The patience he gained was tailor-made for the grand mission God had in mind.

“God’s plans? They’re on a whole different level, fam. He sees the bigger picture, even when we’re just seein’ puzzle pieces.”Isaiah 55:8 (KJV)

Isn’t it amazing how God took a shepherd, shaped him in the quiet desert, and prepared him to lead a nation to freedom and promise?

Moses was truly a shepherd chosen to guide his people through life’s wild journey.


Why Did God Choose Moses: Fulfilling Prophecy

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Photo modified by Original photo by Amy Tran on Unsplash

Hey there, folks!

PASTOR MICHAEL TODD here, and I’m about to take you on a spiritual rollercoaster that’s better than any blockbuster movie you’ve ever seen.

It’s the incredible story of Moses, a prophecy, and God’s divine plan.

Buckle up, because this is going to be a wild ride!

A Prophecy Unfolds

Picture this: It’s like watching the origin story of your favorite superhero, but this superhero isn’t from Marvel or DC; he’s from the Bible, and his name is Moses.

But the plot twist?

The story begins long before Moses was even born.

There was a prophecy hidden in the ancient scrolls of Genesis, predicting the Israelites’ enslavement and their eventual rescue.

And God said to Abram, ‘Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years.'” – Genesis 15:13 (KJV)

Think of it as a divine teaser trailer, giving us a sneak peek of what’s to come.

So, fast forward a few generations, and we find the Israelites in Egypt, living a tough life.

They needed a hero, and that’s where Moses enters the scene.

Moses, the Chosen One

Now, Moses wasn’t your everyday guy.

He had a calling, a destiny written in the stars long before he was born.

When we say God chose Moses, it wasn’t a coincidence; it was a divine appointment.

Imagine this: God is like a grandmaster playing a cosmic game of chess.

He moves Moses, a simple shepherd, into position.

But this isn’t your typical chess game.

It’s an epic battle between good and evil, and Moses is the knight in shining armor.

You’ve heard about the burning bush, the Ten Plagues, and the dramatic face-offs with Pharaoh.

These weren’t just special effects; they were part of God’s grand plan, His way of saying, “Moses, you’re the one.”

From the moment Moses encountered that burning bush, his life took a 180-degree turn.

He became God’s chosen vessel to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and towards the promised land.

The ancient prophecies were coming to life through him.

So, why did God pick Moses?

It was all about fulfilling that age-old prophecy and showing us that with faith and obedience, even an ordinary person can become a hero in God’s epic tale.

Hold onto your seats because we’re about to unravel even more incredible moments in Moses’ journey, from the Exodus to Mount Sinai, and how it all fits perfectly into God’s grand design.

This story is for everyone, young and old, because it’s a testament to the power of faith and obedience.

Why God Picked Moses Instead of Aaron: Unraveling Divine Wisdom

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Photo modified by Original photo by chris liu on Unsplash

Hey there, fam!

Today, we’re diving into the Bible, and you know God’s choices are like treasure chests full of meaning.

So, let’s get into why the good Lord, in all His wisdom, chose Moses over Aaron to lead His people.

Aaron, the Smooth Talker

Picture this: Aaron, he was like that smooth-talking spokesperson who could charm a crowd with words.

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It’s like having a top-notch public speaker, ready to negotiate and convince anyone.

Aaron could have been the voice of the Israelites, talking to Pharaoh and the world.

But God had a different plan.

It’s like having the best singer for a song, but God wanted a songwriter.

That Whole Golden Calf Mess

Now, here’s a wild story.

The Israelites got impatient while Moses was up on Mount Sinai, chatting with God.

So, they decide to make a golden calf and worship it.

It’s like choosing a shiny, glittery toy over the ultimate source of wisdom.

Now, Aaron, bless his heart, played a significant role in making that calf.

It’s like he couldn’t resist peer pressure and wandered off the path God had laid out.

Moses, the Unwavering Believer

But then, there’s Moses.

His faith was rock-solid, like a foundation that doesn’t budge even in a hurricane.

When the Israelites messed up, he stood his ground.

He went to God, interceded on their behalf, and never lost faith, even when the people stumbled.

It’s like comparing a sailor who freaks out in a storm to the one who stays cool and guides the ship through the wildest waves.

In God’s eyes, Moses was the guy who could carry the weight of leadership, not just when things were smooth, but especially when the storms hit.

God saw in Moses an unwavering faith, a heart that was all-in on the divine plan.

“And the Lord said unto Moses, Go, get thee down; for thy people, which thou broughtest out of the land of Egypt, have corrupted themselves.”Exodus 32:7 (KJV)

In choosing Moses over Aaron, God’s plan comes into focus.

He picked the one who could lead His people through the toughest deserts, just like a seasoned navigator guides a ship through a raging storm.

It was a choice based on God’s deep understanding of the human heart and the need for unwavering faith to lead His people on the path of righteousness.

So, remember, fam, when life throws storms your way, be a Moses, not an Aaron, and stand strong in your faith, just like God knew Moses would.

Why God Picked Moses: Leadership That Speaks

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So, why in the world did God choose Moses?

I mean, there had to be something about this guy, right?

You bet there was!

Moses wasn’t just your average Joe; he was an extraordinary leader with qualities that made God say, “That’s the one!”

Today, we’re gonna break it down and see what made Moses the man for the job.

Moses’ Humility: The Power of Being Meek

Let’s talk about humility for a minute.

Moses wasn’t strutting around like some big shot.

He grew up in Pharaoh’s palace, but when God called, he didn’t let that get to his head.

Instead, he’s out there in the desert, tending sheep.

That’s like being a CEO and then working at a food truck.

But that’s humility, my friends.

Moses’s humility allowed him to hear God at the burning bush, even when he felt a little unsure about himself.

“Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were upon the face of the earth.”Numbers 12:3 (KJV)

Moses’ Empathy: A Heart for His People

Empathy – it’s a big word, but Moses had it down pat.

He felt what his people, the Israelites, were going through.

When he saw an Egyptian oppressing an Israelite, he didn’t just stand by.

He jumped into action, like a superhero for justice.

His heart was in the right place, and that’s a reflection of God’s heart for justice.

Faithfulness and Wisdom: Trusting in God

Moses wasn’t a quitter.

No matter what came his way, he stayed faithful.

Think about it – the desert, stubborn Israelites, and God’s commands.

But he didn’t give up.

And when it came to making tough calls, Moses had wisdom that was heaven-sent.

He sought God’s guidance, making wise decisions in the toughest situations.

God’s Seal of Approval: Divine Calling

Now, let me tell you, Moses didn’t just wake up one day and decide, “I’m gonna lead the Israelites out of Egypt!”

Nah, God chose him from the get-go.

You see, when God spoke to Moses through that burning bush, it was a done deal.

God endorsed Moses as His faithful servant, and the events that followed – from the Ten Plagues to the Red Sea parting – all pointed to God’s divine plan unfolding through Moses.

In a world full of leaders who often don’t get it, Moses is the real deal.

He showed us what humility, empathy, faithfulness, and wisdom look like in a leader.

God’s choice of Moses wasn’t a fluke; it was all about these incredible qualities.

“And the Lord said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.”Exodus 7:1 (KJV)

Young folks and adults, take a lesson from Moses.

Humility, empathy, faithfulness, and wisdom – these qualities matter in leadership.

And when God gives His nod of approval, you better believe amazing things are gonna happen!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Why Did God Choose Moses

Why was Moses chosen over other potential leaders?

Moses was chosen by God for his leadership role because of his faith, humility, and willingness to follow God’s guidance.

He also had a unique upbringing that allowed him to understand both Egyptian and Hebrew cultures.

How did Moses’ upbringing influence his leadership?

Moses’ upbringing in the Egyptian royal household and later as a shepherd influenced his leadership.

It gave him unique perspectives and skills that he used to guide the Israelites.

His experiences prepared him for his role as a leader and mediator between God and his people.

What were the key events that showcased Moses’ leadership qualities?

Moses demonstrated leadership in several significant events, including leading the Israelites out of Egypt, receiving the Ten Commandments, resolving conflicts among the people, and his guidance during their wilderness journey.

His humility, courage, and commitment to God’s commands exemplified exemplary leadership.

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“text”: “Moses was chosen by God for his leadership role because of his faith, humility, and willingness to follow God’s guidance. He also had a unique upbringing that allowed him to understand both Egyptian and Hebrew cultures.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How did Moses’ upbringing influence his leadership?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Moses’ upbringing in the Egyptian royal household and later as a shepherd influenced his leadership. It gave him unique perspectives and skills that he used to guide the Israelites. His experiences prepared him for his role as a leader and mediator between God and his people.”
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“name”: “What were the key events that showcased Moses’ leadership qualities?”,
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“text”: “Moses demonstrated leadership in several significant events, including leading the Israelites out of Egypt, receiving the Ten Commandments, resolving conflicts among the people, and his guidance during their wilderness journey. His humility, courage, and commitment to God’s commands exemplified exemplary leadership.”

Author Profile
Matt Turner

I’m Matt, and I love breaking down Bible verses in a way that’s easy to understand and apply to everyday life. My goal is to help you connect with God’s Word and find practical ways to live it out. Whether you’re new to the Bible or just looking for some fresh insights, I’m here to walk with you and share what I’ve learned along the way.