Hotel Hospitality: Why Is There A Bible In Hotel Rooms?

why is there a bible in hotel rooms BibleBreathe Featured Image

Why’s that Bible chillin’ in your hotel room? It’s like finding a surprise gift on your nightstand. Let me break it down for you. See, for eons, it’s been a thing to spot Bibles in hotel rooms, and it’s all thanks to The Gideons International, these Bible-slinging, globe-trotting evangelists. They’re on a mission to spread … Read more

Debunking Myths: Why The Bible Is Fiction

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Is the Bible Just a Story? Well, folks, that’s a question that’s been circling like a Sunday praise song. It’s like that moment when you wonder if your grandma’s legendary apple pie recipe is the real deal. Today, I’m your guide through this intriguing terrain of Biblical authenticity. Some say it’s a rock-solid foundation, while … Read more

The Mystery Of Exclusion: Why Is Matthew 17 Verse 21 Missing

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Why’s Matthew 17:21 AWOL? It’s like searching for your car keys when you’re running late – you know it’s crucial! In this Gospel treasure hunt, you won’t find this verse in some modern Bibles. But wait, why’s it vital? Because it’s where Jesus lays down some serious wisdom about prayer and fasting when tackling life’s … Read more

Exploring Gender In Scripture: Why Is God Referred To As He

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Why’s God called ‘He’? Well, picture this: we’re diving into the Bible’s history, where ‘He’ was the go-to term for the Divine. It’s like an old-school label for God, rooted in the past when ‘He’ meant authority and power. But fast forward to today, and we’ve got debates about the gender-neutral Bible – like, does … Read more

Unveiling The Truth: Why Is God Good According To Biblical Teachings?

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Why’s God so good, y’all? I mean, this ain’t just a Sunday sermon, it’s the heart of our faith journey. Think of it like explorin’ the most incredible treasure hunt of all time – understandin’ God’s goodness is the ultimate prize. In the church, we build our faith on this foundation. It’s like the solid … Read more

Drinking And The Divine: Why Is Alcohol Called Spirits Bible?

why is alcohol called spirits bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

Ever wonder why they call alcohol “spirits” in the Bible? It’s like digging into the treasure chest of history, unlocking secrets that’ll make your mind whirl faster than a tilt-a-whirl. The term “spirits” in the context of alcohol isn’t just any old label; it’s a spiritual journey, my friends. Picture this: alchemists and their experiments, … Read more

The Heartfelt Act: Why Do We Praise God?

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Why do we praise God? This question ain’t just words; it’s a heartbeat, a rhythm that moves our souls. Praise, y’all, it’s like the North Star guiding us in life’s wilderness, the GPS to the Divine’s love. In our crazy, fast-paced world, why pause to praise? It’s the lifeline that anchors us, like a lifeguard … Read more

Sunday Services: Why Do We Go To Church On Sunday Bible Verse

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“Why do we go to church on Sunday, Bible verse? Well, my friends, it’s like a spiritual rendezvous, a date with destiny. Imagine it as a weekly sunrise, a reset button for our souls. See, the Sabbath laid the foundation, a day of divine chill, etched in the Ten Commandments. But then came Sunday, the … Read more

Temple Cleansing: Why Did Jesus Flip The Tables

why did jesus flip the tables BibleBreathe Featured Image

Why’d Jesus flip those tables in the temple, y’all? Imagine this: it’s Passover, and folks are hustling and bustling in the temple, like a marketplace on Black Friday. Money changers doing their thing, animals ready for sacrifice, but hold up – this is God’s house, a sacred spot meant for prayer and worship, not a … Read more

Symbolic Meaning: Why Did Jesus Fold The Napkin?

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Key Takeaways Historical and Cultural Context: Understanding the historical and cultural context of biblical events is crucial. In the case of Jesus folding the napkin, it’s essential to consider the customs of the time. Folding a napkin after a meal was a cultural practice, signifying that the person was finished but would return. It’s a … Read more

The Divine Plan: Why Did God Forsake Jesus

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Why did God forsake Jesus? You know, fam, those words, “My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me?”—they hit you right in the feels, right? It’s like Jesus dropped a bomb of questions on that cross! But let me break it down for you. When Jesus cried out, it wasn’t just a random outburst. … Read more

The Cosmic Canvas: Why Did God Create Other Planets?

why did god create other planets BibleBreathe Featured Image

Why did God create other planets? It’s like stargazing on a warm summer night, wondering about the incredible vastness of the universe. Can you believe it? God, the Master Artist, painted not just one canvas but a whole gallery of celestial wonders! Picture this: the universe, a vast playground where God’s creativity knows no bounds. … Read more

Divine Selection: Why Did God Choose Noah For The Ark?

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Why did God choose Noah, my friends? This is like a divine blockbuster, an epic tale in the Bible that’ll keep you on the edge of your seat. Imagine a world drowning in wickedness, like today’s chaos but on steroids! Now, God, in His infinite wisdom, looked down and saw something special in Noah. This … Read more

The Chosen One: Why Did God Choose Moses

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Why did God choose Moses? Now, that’s a question that hits you right in the heart, like a lightning bolt of curiosity. Picture this: Moses, an ordinary guy turned into a biblical superhero. It’s like God’s version of an epic movie casting. Moses, just a regular dude, became the hero of the Exodus story, leading … Read more

The Divine And The Unsettling: Why Bible Accurate Angels Are So Creepy?

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Why Are Bible-Accurate Angels So Spooky? You know, when we talk about angels, many folks picture these sweet, gentle beings with halos, right? But here’s the twist – when you crack open that Bible, you’re in for a surprise! See, the biblical take on angels isn’t what you’d see on a Hallmark card. We’re talking … Read more

Unmasking The Writer: Who Wrote The Prayer In Scripture?

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“Who penned that prayer that lights up our darkest hours? Picture this, you’re in a hospital room, medical tests looming like storm clouds, and you’re yearning for hope. That’s where faith and prayers step in, my friends. Let me tell you, prayers aren’t just words; they’re the lifeline of our faith journey. When you’re waiting … Read more

Trailblazing Faith: Who Was The First Martyr In The Bible?

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Who was the first martyr in the Bible, my friends? Now, martyrs, they’re like the ultimate witnesses, standing tall for their faith even when the storm is raging. Picture this: it’s like the hero of your favorite movie, staring down danger, unflinching. That’s what we’re diving into today. In the Bible, martyrdom, it’s a term … Read more

The Inaugural Follower: Who Was Jesus’ First Disciple?

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Who was Jesus’s first disciple? It’s like stepping into the greatest squad story ever, and the first member? Well, he’s not exactly a celebrity, not a philosopher, but a simple fisherman named Simon Peter. Jesus called him from the shores of life’s ordinary ocean, turning him into a fisher of men. Imagine it like a … Read more

The Enigma Of Christ: Discovering “Who Is This Jesus”

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Who is this Jesus? This ain’t your ordinary question, folks. It’s a soul-stirrer, a heart-tugger, the kind that makes you lean in and listen close. So, here we are, talking about Jesus, and trust me, it’s a big deal. Now, imagine Jesus walking up to you, looking right into your eyes, and asking, “Who do … Read more

Divine Power Unveiled: Who Is The Most Powerful God?

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Who’s the heavyweight champion of the divine arena? It’s like a cosmic showdown between superstars, from Zeus to the Almighty himself. Think of them as the spiritual MVPs in this epic game of faith. In our world of diverse beliefs, these powerhouses stand tall. They’re like the rock stars of spirituality, with fans worshipping their … Read more

Discovering Jesus: Who Is Jesus Christ To Me

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Who is Jesus Christ to me? Now, let me tell you, family, this ain’t just a religious quiz; it’s the heartbeat of our faith journey. You know, in the good Book, Jesus once asked His closest homies, “Who do you say that I am?” It’s like a spiritual mic drop moment! To many of us, … Read more

The Catholic Perspective: Who Is God The Father Catholic

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Who’s God the Father in Catholicism, fam? It’s like peeling back the layers of the most epic story ever. Picture God not as some far-off entity but as your heavenly Dad. In the Catholic playbook, this is the bedrock—Holy Trinity vibes, where God is both Dad, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit all at once. Catholic … Read more

The Catholic Understanding Of God: Who Is God In Catholicism?

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Who’s God in Catholicism, fam? This ain’t your average Sunday school question; it’s the epicenter of Catholic belief, and we’re about to break it down. So, in the Catholic faith, they talk about this wild concept called the Trinity. It’s like the Avengers of theology – you got the Father, the Son, and the Holy … Read more

Finding Your Role: Who Are You In The Bible’S Narrative?

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Who are you in the Bible? Ever thought of it like scrolling through your social feed and seeing your reflection in every story? The Bible’s not just ancient history; it’s your TikTok, full of stories with your name all over them. Scripture’s not a book club; it’s a journey through biblical figures’ Insta stories. Old … Read more

Who Am I In Christ? Exploring This Sermon Message

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Alright, fam, today we’re diving into a question that hits home for so many of us: “Who am I in Christ?” It’s not just some theological jargon; it’s about our identity, our purpose, and our destiny. Picture this: you’ve got a blueprint for your life, and it’s not hidden in some dusty corner. It’s in … Read more

Age Of Sacred Texts: Which Is Older Quran Or Bible?

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Which came first, the Quran or the Bible? It’s like comparing the roots of two mighty oaks, each with its unique story. Today, we’re diving deep into the river of history to grasp the essence of these sacred texts. In our spiritual backpack, we’ve got the Bible, a treasure chest of wisdom going way back, … Read more

The Book Of Books: Where Is The Word Bible Written In The Bible

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So, where’s the Bible hiding in the Bible, fam? I know it sounds like searching for your keys in the dark, but trust me, it’s a journey worth taking. The Bible, our ultimate Holy Book, is the roadmap to our faith. But have you ever wondered if the actual word “Bible” is in there? Now, … Read more

Unveiling The Abyss: Where Is Hell Located According To The Bible?

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Where’s hell at, according to the Bible? Now, that’s a burning question, folks! It’s like a spiritual treasure hunt, seeking the heart of the afterlife. So, we’re diving into the deep end of the biblical pool to find out. You see, the Bible talks about hell as a fiery “Lake of Fire,” but is it … Read more

Triple Seven In The Bible: Where Is 777 In The Bible

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Where’s that 777 hiding in the Bible? You know, the Bible is like a treasure map, and numbers are the secret codes. So, let’s talk about 777 today, and I promise you, it’s no ordinary number; it’s like hitting the divine jackpot! In the Bible, numbers aren’t just for counting; they carry a deep, spiritual … Read more

Lessons In Wealth: Where In The Bible Is The Story Of The Rich Young Ruler

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Where’s that story of the rich young ruler hiding in the Bible, folks? Now, this right here, it’s like chasing after buried treasure, but the riches ain’t just gold and silver – it’s about your heart, your faith, and the Kingdom of God. So, in the New Testament, Jesus meets this rich young ruler who’s … Read more

The Call To Worship: Where In The Bible Does It Say You Have To Go To Church

where in the bible does it say you have to go to church BibleBreathe Featured Image

So, where’s the Bible’s hot take on church? You know, that spot where it says you gotta be there, soaking up the good Word with the fam? Well, you’ve tuned in, and we’re about to unpack it. This ain’t just about showing up; it’s about the divine dance, baby! Picture this: you’re at a party, … Read more

Beyond The Veil: Where Did Jesus Go When He Died For 3 Days?

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Key Takeaways Understanding the context of biblical passages is crucial when exploring where Jesus went when He died for three days. The Bible does not provide explicit details about this period, requiring careful consideration of related scriptures. Jesus’ three days in the tomb hold immense significance in Christian faith. It marks His descent into the … Read more

Divine Declarations: Where Did Jesus Claim To Be God

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Hey, fam, let’s dive into something profound: “Where did Jesus claim to be God?” This topic is like a treasure hunt in the Bible, and trust me, it’s got layers deeper than your favorite Netflix series. Imagine Jesus as a carpenter turned Messiah. He didn’t just drop the “I’m God” bomb; he weaved it into … Read more

Timeline Comparison: When Was The Quran Written Compared To The Bible?

when was the quran written compared to the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

When did the Quran and the Bible drop on the scene? Let’s break it down in a way that’s as clear as daylight. You’ve got the Bible, think of it as the “OG” with the Old Testament and New Testament, laying down the foundations for faith. Then, there’s the Quran, the real deal from the … Read more

Spirit’S Arrival: When Did The Disciples Receive The Holy Spirit

when did the disciples receive the holy spirit BibleBreathe Featured Image

“When did the disciples get that Holy Spirit boost, y’all? It’s like a turbocharger for your faith, and it’s a game-changer! The Holy Spirit, symbolized by those ‘Tongues of Fire,’ is the real deal – the wind in our spiritual sails. Let’s talk about why this Holy Spirit thing is so essential in our Christian … Read more

Transform Your Bible Study: What Is Verse Mapping?

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Verse Mapping: Discovering the Bible’s Hidden Treasures – it’s like going on a treasure hunt in the Word of God. So, where did this whole verse mapping craze come from? Well, believe it or not, it started right over at Proverbs 31 Ministries and their passion for digging into God’s Word. Now, what’s the deal … Read more

Faith In Ancient Rome: What Religion Were The Romans Who Crucified Jesus

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What faith did the Romans who put Jesus on that cross follow, fam? It’s like digging into a time capsule, taking us back when the Roman Empire had a whole mix of beliefs going on. Imagine this – during Jesus’ crucifixion, the Romans were into all sorts of things, a bit like going to an … Read more

Divine Guidance: What Is The Will Of God Kjv

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What’s God’s Plan in KJV? It’s like getting the ultimate life GPS straight from the heavens, family. The King James Version (KJV) Bible is packed with God’s will for your journey – it’s not a side note, it’s your divine roadmap! From the Old Testament prophets to the New Testament teachings of Jesus, the KJV … Read more

Biblical Trivia: What Is The Shortest Verse In The Bible? Unveiling It!

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What’s the Bible’s tiniest verse, fam? You might think it’s a minnow in a sea of verses, but trust me, even the littlest fish can be a feast for your soul. Today, we’re diving deep into these bite-sized verses – they’re like power-packed protein bites for your spirit! Ever wonder why these tiny lines matter? … Read more

The Shorter, the Better: What Is the Shortest Chapter In the Bible?

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Key Takeaways So, what is the shortest chapter in the Bible? It’s Psalm 117, a tiny gem packed with significance. Short chapters may be brief, but they carry powerful messages. Memorizing and truly understanding them can be spiritually enriching. This sparks an invitation to explore scripture more deeply. Don’t underestimate the wisdom hidden in concise … Read more

Essential Truths: What Is The Message Of The Bible

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What’s the deal with the Bible’s message, fam? It’s like an epic movie with a crazy ensemble cast, but at its core, there’s a story that’ll blow your mind. So, here’s the deal: the Bible ain’t just a bunch of old stories. It’s like God’s personal love letter. It kicks off with the world’s grand … Read more

Sinful Acts: What Is The Punishment For Fornication In The Bible

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What’s the Deal with Fornication in the Bible? It’s like digging into the treasure chest of biblical teachings on love and relationships. Picture this: you’re at a crossroads of passion and purity, and the Bible offers you some GPS navigation. In the Old Testament, they didn’t mess around. It was like hitting the “No Entry” … Read more

Exploring Biblical Extremes: What Is The Longest Chapter In The Bible

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What’s the longest chapter in the Bible, fam? Picture this: the Bible’s like a treasure map, and each chapter’s a different X that marks the spot. But if we’re talkin’ about chapters that’ll have you diving deep into faith, none beats Psalm 119. It’s like the heavyweight champ of chapters, with a whopping 176 verses … Read more

Deity Unraveled: What Is The Difference Between God And Jesus

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So, what’s the deal with God and Jesus, folks? It’s like trying to understand the inner workings of a complex machine, but we’ll break it down simple. You see, in the Christian faith, we’ve got the Trinity, which is like a three-in-one deal—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Picture it this way: God the Father, He’s … Read more

Revealing The Truth: What Is Sacred Scripture?

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What is Sacred Scripture, fam? It’s like the love letter from God, the ultimate guide to life’s playbook. Let’s break it down, no seminary degree needed. Sacred Scripture? It’s like God’s WhatsApp messages to us, no typos or autocorrect here. It’s the divine origin of our faith journey, from the ancient tales of the Old … Read more

Finding Redemption: What Is Sozo In The Bible?

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What’s the deal with “Sozo” in the Bible, fam? It’s like finding a treasure map to your soul’s ultimate rescue mission! “Sozo,” straight from the Greek, is all about that divine rescue operation, and it’s lit! Picture this: it’s not just about getting saved; it’s about the whole shebang—salvation, deliverance, and healing, wrapped up in … Read more

God’S Gift To Us: What Is Our Inheritance From God

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What’s the deal with overseers in the Bible, fam? Imagine them as the quarterbacks of the church, like PASTOR Tom Brady leading the team. So, an overseer, also known as a bishop or elder, isn’t just a title – it’s a calling. These folks are like spiritual lifeguards, making sure everyone stays afloat in the … Read more

Zodiac Signs In History: What Is Jesus’ Zodiac Sign?

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What’s Jesus’ Zodiac Sign? It’s like searching for treasure in the night sky, my friends. The Bible doesn’t hand us Jesus’ zodiac sign on a silver platter, but the idea of connecting celestial signs with the King of Kings sure stirs up our curiosity. Now, think of zodiac signs like a cosmic GPS, guiding our … Read more

The Hue Of Heaven: What Is Jesus’ Favorite Color?

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What’s Jesus’ Favorite Color, Fam? You know, it might sound like a casual question, but it’s got layers, just like the Bible! Picture this: we’re diving into the world of colors in biblical times, where each shade had a divine role to play. In the ancient Middle East, colors weren’t just about aesthetics; they carried … Read more

Aromatic Insights: What Is Calamus In The Bible?

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Calamus in the Bible – it’s like discovering the secret ingredient in grandma’s famous pie. Picture yourself in the vibrant biblical era, where every herb and plant had a divine purpose. Now, here’s the star of the show – Calamus, also known as sweet flag. This ain’t just any herb; it’s biblical bling! It pops … Read more

Scriptural Authority: What Is An Overseer In The Bible

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What’s the deal with overseers in the Bible, fam? You might be thinking, “Overseer? That sounds like a movie villain.” But hold up, it’s way more epic than that. An overseer, or you can call them a bishop or an elder, they’re like the spiritual quarterbacks of the church team. They bring that spiritual authority … Read more

Sacred Attire: What Is An Ephod In The Bible

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What’s the deal with the Ephod in the Bible, fam? It’s like a hidden gem in the scriptures, and it’s got some serious spiritual swag. Picture this: it’s not just a fancy robe; it’s like the VIP pass for the High Priest, the top dog in the Aaronic squad. So, this ephod thing, it’s all … Read more

Biblical Insights: What Is A Hyrax In The Bible

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What’s the deal with the hyrax in the Bible, folks? You might be scratching your head, wondering why this little critter gets a mention in the Good Book. Well, let’s dive into it together, just like we’re uncovering a hidden treasure. The hyrax, or as some call it, the rock dass, may not be in … Read more

Understanding The Shield: What Is A Buckler In The Bible?

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What’s the deal with a Buckler in the Bible, fam? So, you’ve cracked open your Bible, and there it is, the word “buckler.” But hold up, what’s it all about? Well, think of it like your OG shield from back in the day. In biblical times, a buckler was like your ultimate protection, your spiritual … Read more

Divine Mystery: What Happened To God

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What’s the deal with What happened to God in tough times, folks? It’s like life’s throwing us curveballs left and right, and we’re left wondering where the big Guy’s at in all this chaos. Let me break it down for you: those trials and tribulations, they’re like the spiritual gym where we pump our faith … Read more

The Transfiguration: What Happened On Mt Hermon In The Bible

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What went down on Mount Hermon in the Bible? Well, it’s like this epic spiritual mountain, not as famous as Sinai but packed with heavenly significance. Picture this: Mount Hermon, towering with a snowy crown up north in the Promised Land. It’s like God’s secret spot, mentioned in the Psalms, and even had folks worshiping … Read more

Unveiling The Flame: What Does Zeal Mean In The Bible?

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What’s the deal with zeal in the Bible? It’s not just some fancy church word; it’s the turbo-boost of faith, the all-in, 100% commitment to living for God’s glory. Zeal, in simple terms, is like when you’re crazy passionate about something – imagine that kind of fire, but for your relationship with the Divine. Now, … Read more

Scriptural Connections: What Does The Quran Say About The Bible

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What’s the Quran’s take on the Bible? Now, that’s like exploring two ancient scrolls that have seen their fair share of history. This ain’t just any topic; it’s a spiritual bridge between the Quran and the Bible. So, let’s dive right in, y’all. The Quran, it’s the holy book of Islam, and it’s got some … Read more

Love And Respect: What Does The Bible Say About Wives Loving Their Husbands?

what does the bible say about wives loving their husbands BibleBreathe Featured Image

**What’s the Word, family? What does the Good Book say about wives loving their husbands?** Let’s break it down, and you know PASTOR Mike’s got you covered! Marriage, my friends, it’s like a treasure chest in the Bible. It’s loaded with all the wisdom you need to make it through this journey. Love – oh, … Read more

Family Dynamics: What Does The Bible Say About Toxic Family Members

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What’s the Bible’s take on dealing with toxic family members, fam? It’s a question that hits home for so many of us, right? Family’s supposed to be like a warm hug, but sometimes, it’s more like a thorny path. Now, you might think the Bible’s just a dusty old book, but trust me, it’s got … Read more

Standing Against Darkness: What Does The Bible Say About Supporting Evil?

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So, what does the Good Book really say about backing up the bad stuff? Now, picture this: you’re in the midst of life’s grand stage, and you’re faced with some pretty shady decisions. We all know that feeling, right? It’s like standing at a crossroads with righteousness on one side and wickedness on the other. … Read more

Spreading Good News: What Does The Bible Say About Sharing The Gospel?

what does the bible say about spreading the gospel BibleBreathe Featured Image

What’s the deal with spreading the gospel, fam? Picture the Bible as our life’s GPS, and the gospel as the destination that’ll bless your socks off! In Christianity, it’s like handing out these life-changing GPS devices to everyone you meet so they can find the ultimate treasure – God’s love. Now, why is this gospel-spreading … Read more

Divine Guidance: What Does The Bible Say About Planning?

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What’s the Bible’s take on planning, fam? That’s a real head-scratcher for many of us, ain’t it? We’re all about setting goals and chasing dreams, but how does that mesh with God’s game plan? In the world of Christian planning, it’s like having a partnership with the Big Guy upstairs. You see, it’s about finding … Read more

Love And Devotion: What Does The Bible Say About Loving God?

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What’s up, family? Today, we’re diving into a question that’s like the heartstrings of our faith: What does the Bible say about loving God? It’s like the sweet harmony that plays in our souls, like when you hear your favorite song. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul … Read more

Faith And Facts: What Does Science Say About The Bible?

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So, what’s the verdict from science on the Good Book? It’s like diving into a deep theological debate, but here’s the catch, we’re not adversaries; we’re partners in discovery. Now, I want you to buckle up, ’cause we’re going on a ride through faith and reason. You see, folks, the interplay between ancient scripture and … Read more

Anointed By Oil: What Does Oil Represent In The Bible

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What’s the deal with oil in the Bible, folks? It ain’t just about frying up some crispy chicken! No, sir! In them ancient days, oil was like the Holy Spirit‘s favorite emblem, the ‘shemen’ of spiritual abundance. You see, the Bible, it’s packed with this liquid gold’s meaning. Picture it like this: oil’s the fuel … Read more

Discovering Your Identity: 40 Statements Of Who God Says I Am

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Key Takeaways Grounding our identity in Christ is a profound and empowering concept. It reminds us that we are not defined by the world’s standards or our past mistakes but by the unchanging love and grace of God. The 40 statements of who God says I am serve as a powerful reminder of our true … Read more

God’S Chosen Servants: Bible Characters Who Served God

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Key Takeaways These characters teach valuable lessons on trust, loyalty, and obedience to God. They demonstrate the unwavering faith required to serve God faithfully, even in the face of adversity and uncertainty. Abraham: Considered the father of the Israelite nation, Abraham obeyed God’s call to leave his homeland and go to the land God would … Read more

Divine Selection: Does God Choose Who Will Be Saved?

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Does God Choose Who Will Be Saved? Now, this is a question that hits you right in the spirit, my friends. Picture it: You’re in God’s waiting room, and you’re wondering if your name is on that divine list. It’s like a holy RSVP, isn’t it? You see, some folks believe in God’s pre-planned guest … Read more

Divine Mystery: “God Is Working” Even When Invisible – Bible Verse

god is working even when we don't see it verse BibleBreathe Featured Image

“God’s Hidden Work: Unseen, Yet Unstoppable” Ever felt like life’s a cosmic mystery with no answers? Like you’re navigating in the dark without a flashlight? Well, guess what, fam? Your boy PASTOR Michael’s got something to drop on you today: God’s working even when we can’t see it. Faith, oh faith, it’s like believing in … Read more

Quantifying The Word: How Big Is The Bible?

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How big is the Bible, my friends? You know, it’s not just about its size on the bookshelf; it’s about the enormous impact it has on our lives. This ancient treasure is more than just words on a page; it’s a roadmap for our souls. It’s the very Word of God, divinely inspired, and a … Read more

Divine Communication: How Did God Speak Through The Ephod

how did god speak through the ephod BibleBreathe Featured Image

How did God speak through the ephod, fam? It’s like diving into an ancient text message conversation with the Almighty. The ephod, that fancy piece in the priest’s wardrobe, was more than just bling – it was God’s hotline to Earth. Imagine it as a spiritual cell phone, only accessible by the high priest, equipped … Read more

Divine Communion: How Did Jesus Pray In The Bible?

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How did Jesus pray, fam? Digging into Jesus’ prayer life is like discovering hidden gems in your favorite video game. It’s a spiritual quest that’ll level up your faith. When we peep into Jesus’ prayers, we’re peeling back layers of the divine and the human in one person. Think of it as God in sneakers, … Read more

The Compassion Of Christ: How Did Jesus Treat Sinners

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Yo, fam, let’s dig into the question: How did Jesus treat sinners? Now, I know that sometimes we feel like sinners, like we’ve messed up big time, right? Well, guess what? Jesus had a radical way of dealing with those who society labeled as sinners. Picture this: You got the woman caught in adultery, and … Read more

From Vines To Goblets: How Did They Make Wine In Bible Times

how did they make wine in bible times BibleBreathe Featured Image

How in the world did they whip up that grape goodness back in biblical days? Can you imagine Jesus and his disciples toasting with a cup of that ancient vino? Well, friend, that’s what we’re diving into today. We’re going on a little journey through time to discover the secrets of winemaking in Bible times. … Read more

Cover-To-Cover: How Do You Read The Bible In Order?

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How in the world can you read the Bible in order, fam? It’s like trying to piece together a thousand-piece puzzle without the picture on the box. But let me tell you, it’s a journey worth taking. Now, you might be thinking, “PASTOR Mike, why does it even matter how the Bible’s arranged?” Well, it’s … Read more

Christ-Like Depiction: How Does The Ark Of The Covenant Symbolize Jesus

how does the ark of the covenant symbolize jesus BibleBreathe Featured Image

How in the world does the Ark of the Covenant connect to Jesus, fam? It’s like diving into a deep well of biblical history and spiritual revelation. The Ark, a chest of divine glory, holds secrets that point straight to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Think of the Ark as the heart of God’s … Read more

The Grand Finale: How Does The Bible End?

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How does the Bible end? Now, imagine sitting in a cozy corner of a coffee shop, sipping your favorite brew, and talking about the grand finale of the greatest story ever told. It’s like the grand climax of an epic movie, with twists, turns, and the ultimate showdown. At the heart of all this, we’ve … Read more

Divine Perspective: How God Sees Us In His Grace

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How God Sees Us: Ever thought about how God sees us in this crazy world? It’s like wearing someone else’s glasses to see ourselves! Society’s measuring stick can leave us feeling short, but let me tell you, God’s view is something else! Forget what they say; God’s got this unconditional love thing going on. He … Read more

Unraveling The Mystery: How Is Melchizedek Related To Jesus

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So, fam, how’s Melchizedek connected to our Savior, Jesus? This ain’t your average Bible study—it’s an exploration of biblical mysteries that’s gonna make your spirit jump like a praise break! Alright, imagine this: Melchizedek, he’s like that hidden gem in the Old Testament, a king-priest from Salem, but low-key shrouded in mystery. His name pops … Read more

The Bible’S Layout: How Is The Bible Organized

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How’s the Bible All Laid Out? Now, picture this: You’ve got this incredible book, the Bible, in your hands, and it’s like a roadmap to your soul’s destination. Understanding the Bible’s layout is like knowing your way through a grand adventure. This book isn’t just one big story. It’s more like an epic saga divided … Read more

Moments Of Agony: How Long Did Jesus Hang On The Cross Before He Died

how long did jesus hang on the cross before he died BibleBreathe Featured Image

How long did Jesus hang on that cross before He took His last breath? Man, it’s like diving deep into the greatest love story ever told. You know, the crucifixion of Jesus, that’s the core of our Christian faith, where everything we believe hinges. But, fam, let’s talk about some common mix-ups. People have all … Read more

Years Post-Resurrection: How Long Did Jesus Live After Resurrection

how long did jesus live after resurrection BibleBreathe Featured Image

How long did Jesus live after coming back to life? It’s like a scene from the greatest comeback story of all time, and trust me, you don’t want to miss it! You see, when Jesus rose from the grave, it wasn’t just for a cameo appearance; He stuck around for a solid 40 days. That’s … Read more

The Path Of Suffering: How Long Jesus Walked With The Cross

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How far did Jesus carry His cross? Picture this, my friends, the Via Dolorosa, the road of sorrows, where Jesus took each step burdened by the weight of our sins. Now, let’s dive in. The Via Dolorosa is like a spiritual marathon, a race for our salvation. We’ll unpack its profound meaning in Christianity and … Read more

Unveiling Heavenly Hosts: How Many Angels Did God Create?

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Ever wonder how many angels God created, fam? It’s like diving into a divine Netflix series! In the Bible, we get a front-row seat to the birth of these supernatural wonders, aka biblical angels. They’re not just background extras; they’re the messengers and warriors of the Almighty. Revelation 5:11 shows us a celestial party – … Read more

Verse Length Explained: How Many Bars In A Verse?

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How many bars in a verse? Now, don’t let that question ruffle your feathers. It’s like asking how many ingredients are in your grandma’s secret recipe. You see, for us musicians, it’s the secret sauce of our songs. Imagine a song as a journey, and the verse is the path we walk. In this journey, … Read more

Divine Family: Exploring How Many Children Did God Have?

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**Hey, fam, have you ever wondered, “How many children did God have?” Let’s dive into this divine mystery together. It’s like exploring the branches of a mighty family tree. In the Bible, we come across legends like Solomon and Gideon, who were prolific as parents. Ahab and Rehoboam, they too played their part in this … Read more

Biblical Correspondence: How Many Epistles In The Bible?

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How many epistles are there in the Bible? Well, let’s talk about these Bible letters – they’re like the texts you send to your closest friends when they need guidance or encouragement. In the New Testament, we’ve got a treasure trove of these gems known as the Epistles. Picture the Apostle Paul as the ancient … Read more

The Distance Covered: How Many Miles Did Jesus Walk?

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Key Takeaways Experts suggest that he walked an average of 32km/20 miles a day during his ministry in Galilee, with trips between Jerusalem and Nazareth covering about 137km/85 miles. In total, it is calculated that Jesus walked approximately 3,125 miles during his public ministry, mainly in the regions of Galilee and Judea. While it is … Read more

A Symphony Of Praise: How Many Psalms In The Bible?

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How many Psalms in the Bible? Well, it’s like having a playlist of heart-to-heart conversations with the Divine. Imagine King David strumming his harp, pouring his soul into biblical songs. These Psalms are more than words; they’re like spiritual hits on the charts of life. Let me break it down for you: Psalms are the … Read more

The Temple And Jesus: How Many Times Did Jesus Cleanse The Temple

how many times did jesus cleanse the temple BibleBreathe Featured Image

How many times did Jesus cleanse the temple, fam? Let’s dive into this epic Bible moment. Picture Jerusalem, where the temple was the heart of the action. It was like the holy HQ, a place for connection and worship. Now, imagine Jesus rolling into town during Passion Week. He’s seeing money-changers and folks selling stuff … Read more

Heaven And Hell: How Many Times Is Hell Mentioned In The Bible Compared To Heaven?

how many times is hell mentioned in the bible compared to heaven BibleBreathe Featured Image

Key Takeaways The term “hell” in the Bible can refer to different concepts, such as Sheol, Gehenna, Hades, and Tartarus, which are translated differently in various Bible versions. While some sources claim Jesus spoke more about hell than heaven, there is no clear consensus on the exact frequency of mentions. The number can vary depending … Read more

Counting Rainbows: How Many Times Is “Rainbow” Mentioned In The Bible?

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How many times does the Bible mention rainbows? Well, fam, that’s a question that’s as bright and beautiful as the rainbow itself. We often see rainbows as God’s promise, like the promise ring you give to your boo. But, here’s the deal: you won’t find rainbows all over the Bible. They’re like those special, rare … Read more

Precious Metal In Scripture: How Much Is A Talent Of Gold In The Bible?

how much is a talent of gold in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

How much is a talent of gold in the Bible, my friends? It’s like digging for hidden treasure in the pages of Scripture, and today, we’re going on a journey to uncover this priceless gem. You see, in the Bible, a “talent of gold” isn’t just some dusty old measurement. It’s a story of stewardship, … Read more

Heavenly Timelessness: How Old Is Jesus In Heaven?

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How old’s Jesus in heaven, fam? That’s like asking how many candles on a cake you’d need for a celestial birthday! Let me break it down for you in our spiritual playground. See, Jesus, that guy’s the heart and soul of Christianity, like the ultimate MVP. We know all about his earthly gig as Jesus … Read more

Respectful Farewell: How To Dispose Of A Bible? [Properly]

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How to Dispose of a Bible? Well, fam, let’s talk about this because it’s a deep question. You see, the Bible isn’t just any book; it’s a treasure, a connection to the divine. So, why do we even consider letting it go? It’s all about that emotional bond, that spiritual link we share with these … Read more

Enhancing Study: How To Highlight The Bible

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How to Highlight the Bible? Picture this: it’s like having a GPS for your faith journey, and I’m here to guide you. Why should you even think about highlighting the Bible? Well, it’s not just about making your Bible pop with colors, it’s about having your own treasure map to God’s wisdom. Imagine you’re in … Read more

Accurate References: How To Quote The Bible

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How to Quote the Bible: Now, picture this, fam – you’re sipping your morning coffee, and you want to drop some biblical wisdom on your friends or family. But wait, how do you quote the Bible right? It’s like nailing the perfect slam dunk; precision is everything. The Bible? It’s not just a book; it’s … Read more

The Guide You Need: How To Read The Bible For Beginner Pdf Included

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How to Dive into the Bible for Newbies (PDF Style) – Imagine this: You’ve got a Bible in your hand, and it’s like having the ultimate roadmap to the most incredible journey ever. That’s what the Bible is for beginners – a guide to a life-changing adventure. Now, why should you, a newbie, dig into … Read more

The Catholic Bible Unveiled: How To Read The Catholic Bible

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How to Read the Catholic Bible, family, is like embarking on a road trip, but instead of just a destination, it’s a journey for your soul. You see, for us Catholics, the Bible ain’t just another book; it’s the heartbeat of our faith, the GPS for our spiritual walk. Picture it this way: the Catholic … Read more

Exploring Language: How To Say “God” In Aramaic

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Key Takeaways The term for “God” in Aramaic has a rich linguistic history. In Aramaic, the word for God is “אלהא” (pronounced as “Elaha” or “Alaha”). This term is notable for its use in various religious and historical contexts, including in the New Testament of the Bible. It is important to approach the interpretation of … Read more

Finding God’S Path: How To Seek God

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How to Seek God – now, that’s a question that’s burning in the hearts of many, from the youngest to the oldest. It’s like setting off on a thrilling treasure hunt, seeking the most valuable treasure you’ll ever find: a deep connection with the Almighty. Let me tell you, friends, seeking God is not some … Read more

The Art Of Biblical Comprehension: How To Understand The Bible Better

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How can we dig into the Bible and grasp it better? It’s like digging for diamonds in a mine – the treasures of wisdom and faith are there, but we need the right tools and guidance. Now, let me tell you, fam, understanding the Bible is vital. It’s not just a dusty old book; it’s … Read more

Crafting Divine Words: How To Write Bible Verses With Grace

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How to Write Bible Verses: Penning the Divine Message Hey there, fam! Ever thought about writing Bible verses? It’s like crafting a heartfelt text to someone you deeply care about, but it’s even more important because it’s God’s message. Each word you jot down is like a piece of heaven, so it better be spot … Read more

The End Of All Things: How Will God Destroy The Earth The Second Time

how will god destroy the earth the second time BibleBreathe Featured Image

How’s God gonna give this world the second round of whoopin’ it deserves? Now, that’s a question that’s got us all on the edge of our seats, isn’t it? It’s like the grand finale of the greatest show ever, and we’re all part of the cast. You see, this ain’t just about predictions; it’s about … Read more

Finding Self-Worth: Exploring “I Am Who You Say I Am” In The Bible

i am who you say i am bible verse BibleBreathe Featured Image

Let me break it down for you, fam. “I am who you say I am Bible verse” is all about finding your true identity in a world that’s lost its way. We’re in the middle of an identity crisis, right? But, guess what? God’s Word is here to set the record straight. Picture this: you’re … Read more

Empowered By The Spirit: On The Day Of Pentecost What Happened To The Disciples?

on the day of pentecost what happened to the disciples BibleBreathe Featured Image

On the Day of Pentecost, what went down with those disciples? Picture this: It’s like a divine mic drop in Christian history, a day that’s lit with spiritual fireworks. The disciples? Well, they got hit with the Holy Spirit like a lightning bolt – a life-altering baptism that lit their souls on fire. They started … Read more

Divine Healing: Discovering The God Who Heals

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The God Who Heals – now, isn’t that something? Picture it like this: life throws lemons, and we all get our share of bruises, be it in our bodies, emotions, or spirits. That’s where Jehovah Rapha comes in, the ultimate Healer. God’s healing isn’t just about fixing your physical boo-boos. It’s deeper, fam. We’re talking … Read more

A Watchful Creator: Exploring “The God Who Sees” In The Bible

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The God Who Sees, fam, that’s not just some fancy phrase. It’s like finding a GPS for your soul in the middle of life’s wilderness. You ever felt like you’re shouting into the void, thinking no one’s hearing your heart’s cries? Well, Genesis 16:13 drops this truth bomb. It’s where Hagar, deep in her desert … Read more

The Living Word: The God Who Speaks

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The God Who Speaks: In a world where truth feels like shifting sands, the Bible is our rock. It’s more relevant than your morning coffee. Let’s dive in! From the Old School Testament to the New Cool Testament, the Bible packs divine wisdom and authority. It’s not just a book; it’s a life-changer. Think of … Read more

Water Wells Of The Past: What Are Cisterns In The Bible?

what are cisterns in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

What’s the deal with cisterns in the Bible, fam? Picture this: Cisterns were like heaven-sent water vaults back in biblical times, stashing that life-giving H2O. When you’re thirsty, you don’t just want a sip, right? You want a big gulp, and cisterns were all about that. But here’s where it gets real interesting. Those cisterns? … Read more

Counting God’s Promises: What Are The 7000 Promises Of God

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Key Takeaways The 7000 promises of God refer to an estimation of the total number of pledges God has made in Scripture to provide, heal, restore, and bless His creation. While the exact count is not specified, the Bible contains numerous assurances from God to care for His people in every aspect of life These … Read more

The Blood Of Christ: What Blood Type Was Jesus

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What was Jesus’ blood type, fam? That’s the million-dollar question, and it’s got us all thinking, right? It’s like digging into the mysteries of the Shroud of Turin and the Sudarium of Oviedo. But here’s the deal, why even bother with this? Knowing Jesus’ blood type is like unlocking the secret code of our faith. … Read more

Divine Hues: Exploring What Color Is Jasper In The Bible?

what color is jasper in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

Ever wondered about the color of jasper in the Bible? Well, my friends, you’re in for a biblical gem hunt today! Jasper, with shades of red, green, and brown, isn’t just any stone. It’s part of the ancient bling—the Breastplate of Aaron worn by the High Priest. Picture it like a spiritual wardrobe. Now, why … Read more

Mysteries Of The Messiah: What Color Were Jesus Eyes

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Ever wondered about the color of Jesus’ eyes? It’s like a magnifying glass on history and faith, right? Picture this: it’s not just about His eyes; it’s about understanding who He was in His time. Imagine our journey as a puzzle. We’ve got these artistic interpretations, some showing Him with blue eyes and all. But … Read more

Love’S Ultimate Act: What Did Jesus Do For Us

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What did Jesus do for us? This ain’t just a Sunday sermon; it’s the heartbeat of our faith, fam! Imagine Jesus as the ultimate hero, stepping into the scene to rescue us. Two thousand years back, in a world that looked nothing like Instagram or TikTok, Jesus changed the game. He wasn’t just nailed to … Read more

Divine Chalk Marks: What Did Jesus Write On The Ground

what did jesus write on the ground BibleBreathe Featured Image

What did Jesus write on the ground, fam? Imagine this: Jesus, the ultimate teacher, in a real-life classroom moment. The Scribes and Pharisees drag in an adulterous woman, ready to throw stones. But what does Jesus do? He grabs some dirt and starts doodling on the ground like a divine artist. This ain’t just about … Read more

The Enigmatic Birds: What Do Crows Symbolize In The Bible?

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Key Takeaways Crows are mentioned several times in the Bible, often symbolizing various aspects of human nature and God’s actions. Here are five key points about the symbolism of crows in the Bible: Death and Mourning: Crows are associated with death and mourning in the Bible. For example, in Job 30:29, Job describes the crows … Read more

Biblical Symbolism: What Do Dead Birds Symbolize In The Bible

what do dead birds symbolize in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

Key Takeaways Death and Judgment: Dead birds can represent death and judgment, as seen in the story of Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6-9). The floodwaters destroyed all living creatures, including birds, symbolizing God’s judgment on humanity’s wickedness. Punishment and Destruction: Dead birds can also signify punishment and destruction, as in the case of the plague of … Read more

Understanding The Unseen: What Do God Look Like

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**Ever wondered, “What does God look like?” It’s like trying to capture the wind in a jar or describe the depths of the ocean – an awe-inspiring quest. Dive in with me! Understanding God’s appearance is like getting to know a friend’s voice in a crowded room; it connects you on a deeper level. But … Read more

Facing Death’s Deity: What Do We Say To The God Of Death?

what do we say to the god of death BibleBreathe Featured Image

What’s our response to the God of Death, fam? It’s not just a line from a show, but a deep question that goes beyond the screen. Think about it like this: when Arya Stark faced death in Game of Thrones, she didn’t back down. She stood strong, and that’s a lesson for all of us. … Read more

Wings Of Faith: What Does A Hummingbird Symbolize In The Bible

what does a hummingbird symbolize in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

Ever wondered what a hummingbird signifies in the Bible, fam? Those little winged wonders, like nature’s jewels, have a deep spiritual vibe. Picture this: a hummingbird flits in, all shiny and joyous. It’s like a divine postcard, saying, “Hey, love, positivity, and blessings are here!” In the Bible, it’s like finding wisdom, hope, and God’s … Read more

Biblical Beasts: What Does A Lion Represent In The Bible

what does a lion represent in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

What’s the deal with lions in the Bible, fam? Lions ain’t just about the roar and the mane, they’re deep in the scriptures, and it’s time we break it down! Lions in the Bible are like symbols on a treasure map, guiding us to strength, courage, and authority. Imagine the “Lion of Judah” as your … Read more

Unveiling The Meaning: What Does A Skull Symbolize In Scripture?

what does a skull symbolize in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

What’s the deal with skulls in the Bible, folks? It’s like a hidden treasure, waiting to be uncovered. The Bible takes us on a journey, and it’s more than just a bone-chilling symbol. Now, picture this: We’re at Golgotha, the very place where Jesus faced the cross. A skull, right there. But it’s not just … Read more

The Unseen Image: What Does God Look Like

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Ever wondered, “What does God look like?” Man, it’s a question as old as time, right? We all wanna catch a glimpse of the divine, wrap our heads around it. Picture this: it’s like trying to see the wind, invisible but powerful. Through the Bible, some tried to sketch God’s divine appearance using words. Others … Read more

The Sacred Flame: What Does Fire Represent In The Bible?

what does fire represent in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

What does fire represent in the Bible? What’s the deal? It’s like this blazing question mark, right? The Bible paints fire with two brushes: destruction and cleansing. From Holy Spirit’s fiery baptism to God’s fierce judgment, it’s lit with meaning. It’s like God’s way of purifying our hearts, burning away the junk in our lives. … Read more

Walking The Talk: How Far Did Jesus Walk?

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How far did Jesus walk during His earthly journey? Picture this: Jesus, the ultimate wayfarer, covered some serious ground as we read in the New Testament. From the moment He took that plunge into the Jordan River with John’s baptism to facing off with the devil in the desert, it was a spiritual expedition. Imagine … Read more

Divine Greatness Revealed: Exploring How Great Is Our God Scripture

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How Great Is Our God Scripture – it’s like the chorus of life, echoing in the hearts of believers, young and old. Picture it like a vibrant rhythm in the tapestry of faith. You see, in the Psalms, specifically Psalm 104, we’re given this vivid portrait of the Almighty. It’s like a canvas where God’s … Read more

The Bible’S Blueprint: How Is The Bible Divided?

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How is the Bible divided, folks? Picture it like a divine sandwich with layers of goodness! The Bible isn’t just a random collection of stories; it’s carefully divided to make sense of the divine narrative. In the Old Testament, you’ve got the Books of the Law, the rulebook of the faith game, and the Prophets, … Read more

Biblical Units Of Length: How Long Is A Stadia In The Bible?

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How long is a stadia in the Bible, fam? I know, it’s one of those head-scratchers that can make your head spin. But don’t worry, we’re diving into this biblical measurement mystery together, just like a Sunday sermon. In the Word, we’ve got all sorts of measurements and terms, and they’re not just numbers. They’re … Read more

Exploring Scripture: How Many Chapters Are In The Bible?

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How many chapters are in the Bible? It’s like counting the stars in the night sky – a simple question with profound significance. This divine book, the Bible, is more than just a collection of verses; it’s a journey of faith and wisdom. Picture it this way: the Bible is a treasure map, and each … Read more

Page By Page: How Many Pages In Bible

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How many pages in Bible, fam? It’s like diving into an ocean of wisdom. The Bible, God’s Word, is a rock in the storm of life, and its sheer size can leave us in awe. You see, it’s not just about pages; it’s about the Bible’s layout and structure. From the longest book to the … Read more

The Role Of Baptism: How Many Times Can You Be Baptized According To The Bible?

how many times can you be baptized according to the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

Key Takeaways Baptism holds a central and foundational importance in the Christian faith, symbolizing a commitment to Christ, forgiveness of sins, and newness of life. It’s a crucial step for believers, marking their entrance into the community of faith. When considering re-baptism, personal discernment and consultation with spiritual leaders are essential. While the Bible does … Read more

The Tears Of Christ: How Many Times Did Jesus Wept In The Bible?

how many times did jesus wept in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

How many times did Jesus wept in the Bible? Well, fam, it’s like peeling back the layers of the most incredible love story ever written. Jesus, the Son of God, wasn’t just about miracles and sermons; he was a man of deep emotions. Picture this: We’re diving into the Scriptures, and in the midst of … Read more

The Many Faces Of Love: How Many Times Is The Word Love In The Bible

how many times is the word love in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

How many times is the word love in the Bible? Love, it’s like the heartbeat of our faith, pulsing through the pages of the Good Book. You’ve probably wondered, just like me, how often this four-letter powerhouse appears in those sacred scriptures. The Bible, my friends, it’s not just rules and regulations; it’s a love … Read more

The Global Bible: How Many Times Was The Bible Translated

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How many times was the Bible translated? It’s like taking a deep dive into the rich history of God’s Word, my friends. Picture this: the Bible, God’s love letter to humanity, speaking in all kinds of languages, like a preacher delivering the same sermon in a thousand different tongues. This is a story of how … Read more

Quantifying Scripture: How Many Words Is The Bible?

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How many words is the Bible? It’s like trying to count the grains of sand on a beach, my friends. This isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s about diving into the deep waters of understanding the Bible’s heart and soul. The Bible, the book of life for many, comes in all these translations, from the … Read more

Historical Milestone: How Many Years Has It Been Since Jesus Died

how many years has it been since jesus died BibleBreathe Featured Image

Key Takeaways How many years has it been since Jesus died? The exact year of Jesus’ death has been a subject of debate among scholars and historians. While it is generally believed to have occurred in the early 30s AD, pinpointing the precise year remains challenging due to limited historical records and varying interpretations of … Read more

Harvesting Hope: What Are Sheaves In The Bible?

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What are sheaves in the Bible? Picture this: sheaves are like God’s love notes, scattered throughout Scripture. These bundles of grain are like heavenly postcards, showing up time and time again. You’ve got your basic ingredients: barley and wheat – God’s recipe for abundance. These sheaves are the harvest’s MVPs, representing worship and sacrifice. From … Read more

Letters In Scripture: What Are The 21 Epistles In The Bible

what are the 21 epistles in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

What are the 21 Epistles in the Bible? Picture the Bible as a roadmap for life, and the epistles? Well, they’re like GPS guiding us through the Christian journey. You see, an epistle is just a fancy word for a letter, but in the Bible, these letters are like hidden treasures filled with divine wisdom. … Read more

The Journey Continues: What Did The Disciples Do After Jesus Died

what did the disciples do after jesus died BibleBreathe Featured Image

What did the disciples do after Jesus died? Now, that’s a question that’ll ignite your spiritual curiosity! Imagine this: It’s like the world’s greatest quarterback just retired, and his team’s left wondering, “What’s the next play?” That’s what happened after Jesus’s crucifixion. Those faithful apostles, handpicked by Jesus, had to step up to the line … Read more

Numerical Symbolism In The Bible: What Does A Dime Represent In The Bible?

what does a dime represent in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

What Does A Dime Represent In The Bible? Now, hold on to your seats, fam! Dimes, those small but mighty coins, don’t get a shoutout in the Good Book, but we’ve got other characters on the scene, like the denarius. In the Bible, coins are like God’s own metaphors, dropping wisdom like 🔥. They’re a … Read more

Cosmic Mystery: What Does God Need With A Starship

what does god need with a starship BibleBreathe Featured Image

What does God need with a starship, folks? It might sound like a line from a sci-fi flick, but this question is more than just a catchy phrase. It’s a journey through faith, culture, and the cosmos. Picture this: we’re in the universe’s great cosmic theater, and God’s got a starship. We’ll explore where this … Read more

Scapegoats And Sacrifice: What Do Goats Symbolize In The Bible?

what do goats symbolize in the bible BibleBreathe Featured Image

What Do Goats Symbolize In The Bible? It’s like God’s cosmic art gallery, and every creature’s a masterpiece. Now, picture this: goats, they’re not just your run-of-the-mill animals; they’re divine symbols on a heavenly canvas. In the good book, goats symbolize a lot—think sacrifice, wiping the slate clean, or even leading the pack. On the … Read more

Jeremiah 29:11 Assurance: Trusting in God’s Good Plans for You

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Jeremiah 29:11 is a gem that shines brightly from the annals of biblical promises. Nestled within the book of Jeremiah, this verse provides solace to countless souls, illuminating the timeless message that God has a plan for each of us. What makes this particular scripture for hope stand out? It’s the heartening assurance that, even … Read more

Romans 12:2 Metamorphosis: Shaping Your Spiritual Renewal

Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Key Takeaways Romans 12:2, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind,” is a shoutout to all of us, saying, “Hey, don’t get caught up in the world’s filter, use God’s instead!” It’s like God is telling us: You’re not made to fit into society’s … Read more

Embracing Life to the Fullest: John 10:10’s Invitation

John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

John 10:10 – Livin’ Life to the Fullest! Hey, beautiful souls! Ever wondered about John 10:10? Well, buckle up, ’cause we’re about to dive into the Gospel of John, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer! John 10:10 is like God’s mic drop moment, right in the middle of the Gospel. Jesus spills the … Read more

1 John 1:9’s Redemption: The Power of Confession

1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

1 John 1:9 – The Divine Spin Cycle Diving into the deep waters of 1 John 1:9! This verse, a spiritual spin cycle for the soul, is like God’s ultimate laundry service. Ever felt the weight of mistakes clinging to your spirit? Well, this scripture is the heavenly detergent that wipes the slate clean. Now, … Read more

The Way, the Truth, the Life: John 14:6’s Exclusive Path

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

John 14:6 – Jesus: The Ultimate GPS Hey, fam! Let’s dive into the GPS of life—John 14:6. Jesus drops a truth bomb, saying, “I’m the way, the truth, and the life.” Picture this: life’s a crazy road trip, and Jesus is your ultimate navigation system. In the epic book of John, this verse is like … Read more

Isaiah 53:5 Unveiled: Finding Redemption in Christ’s Suffering

Isaiah 53:5 But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Isaiah 53:5 – Unveiling Healing through Ancient Words Hey fam, let’s dive into a spiritual treasure, Isaiah 53:5! Picture this: it’s like finding a golden key in the ancient scrolls. This verse shouts, “He got banged up for our mess, took the heat for our wrongs, and guess what? His wounds bring us healing!” Now, … Read more

Hebrews 11:1 Explored: Embracing the Power of Faith

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Hebrews 11:1—it’s like a spiritual GPS, showing us the way in the book of Hebrews. Picture this: faith is not just wishful thinking; it’s the real deal, the substance of our hopes and the evidence of the unseen. Now, why is this verse a game-changer? Because it’s your faith road map, pointing to a journey … Read more

2 Corinthians 5:17 Unveiled: Embracing the Promise of New Life

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

2 Corinthians 5:17 – Embracing a Fresh Start Ever wondered about that verse that shouts, “If anyone’s rockin’ with Christ, guess what? You’re brand spanking new!” That’s 2 Corinthians 5:17 in the house—a total game-changer. Picture this: You, a masterpiece in the making, crafted by the Creator. The old, with all its mess-ups and drama? That’s … Read more

Confess and Believe: Romans 10:9’s Path to Salvation

Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Romans 10:9—Your Ticket to Heaven’s VIP Hey fam, today, we’re diving into a scripture that’s like the golden key to the VIP entrance of heaven—Romans 10:9. Picture it as the backstage pass to the greatest show of your life. So, in Romans, in the tenth chapter, verse 9, we hit the jackpot. This verse isn’t … Read more

Acts 1:8 Unveiled: The Commission to Spread God’s Love

Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Acts 1:8, tucked into the early chapters of Acts, is like a power-packed promise for us all, straight from Jesus before He went to heaven. Picture this: a crew of regular folks, once feeling down after Jesus’s death, suddenly about to step into something epic. Here’s what Jesus dropped on them: He’s sending the Holy … Read more

Understanding John 11:25: Jesus’ Promise of Eternal Life

John 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

John 11:25—it’s like the ultimate life upgrade Jesus offers! Picture this: it’s in the book of John, where Lazarus, his pal, gets a second chance. Jesus drops this bombshell: “I’m the resurrection and the life!” Crazy, right? But there’s a bigger story here. This verse ain’t just about Lazarus; it’s a shout-out to believe in … Read more

Demystifying Acts 2:38: Understanding Repentance and Baptism

Acts 2:38 Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Acts 2:38, y’all! Let’s dive into this game-changer from the Book of Acts, Chapter 2. This verse? It’s like a spotlight in Peter‘s sermon, hitting hard on what repentance truly means and the crazy importance of getting dunked in that baptismal pool. Imagine this: Peter, hyped up, dropping truth bombs left and right, telling the … Read more

Finding Rest: Insight into Matthew 11:30

Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Matthew 11:30 brings forth a powerful message straight from Jesus’ teachings on rest. So, we’re diving into the book of Matthew, right? Imagine this verse like a spotlight in a dark room—it’s shining bright for a reason! Jesus throws this curveball of comfort, saying, “My yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Picture it: … Read more

Sword of Truth: Decoding the Message of Hebrews 4:12

Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Hebrews 4:12 hits differently, fam! It’s like this powerful verse comes straight outta the Book of Hebrews, smack dab in the New Testament. Yo, why’s it so lit? ‘Cause it’s about the dynamite packed in God’s Word! Picture this: not a sword you hold, but something way sharper—sharper than any double-edged sword! This verse speaks … Read more

United in Worship: Understanding Hebrews 10:25 Simply

Hebrews 10:25 Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Hebrews 10:25, fam, it’s like the heartbeat of the Book of Hebrews, a book packed with faith lessons. This verse, it’s that flame that shines bright, highlighting how crucial it is for us to come together, to gather in community as believers. It’s not just about meeting; it’s about the power in church assembly importance, … Read more

Work of Faith: Decoding the Message of Philippians 1:6

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Philippians 1:6 shouts out from the vibrant pages of the Book of Philippians, radiating hope and promise. This verse stands tall, echoing the unwavering assurance of God’s ongoing transformative work within us. Let me tell you why this verse is everything! It speaks to the heart of God’s faithful completion in our lives. Just like … Read more

God’s Love in Action: Understanding John 3:17 Simply

John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

John 3:17—a gem within the Gospel of John, echoes the heart of Christ’s mission and the limitless love of God. This verse isn’t a mere line; it’s the essence of what Christianity stands for. This verse matters because it encapsulates the very reason Jesus stepped into our world. It’s a spotlight within John’s gospel, highlighting … Read more

Matthew 28:19 Revealed: Spreading the Gospel’s Mission

Matthew 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Matthew 28:19: The Grand Mission Unveiled Hey, fam! So, check it—Matthew 28:19 drops this bomb of a mission, what we call the Great Commission. Jesus spills the beans on this game-changer, throwing us into a whirlwind of action. Now, why is this verse the real deal? Imagine it’s a text from the Divine, a cosmic … Read more

Jesus, the Only Way: Understanding Acts 4:12 Simply

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Acts 4:12, beloved congregation, is a powerful verse nestled within the vibrant tapestry of the book of Acts. It stands tall, emphasizing the core essence of our faith—the undeniable truth that salvation is found solely in the name of Jesus Christ. In this scriptural treasure, we witness the unwavering conviction of the apostles, particularly Peter, … Read more

Divine Wisdom: Decoding Isaiah 55:8

Isaiah 55:8 For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Isaiah 55:8 invites us into the profound insights of the Book of Isaiah, a treasure trove of divine revelations. This verse shines a light on the uniqueness of God’s thoughts and ways, crucial in our spiritual understanding. Why is this verse so significant? Picture this: You’re wrestling with life’s complexities, seeking to understand the world’s … Read more

Wholeness in Christ: Exploring 1 Peter 2:24 Fully

1 Peter 2:24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

1 Peter 2:24 represents a pivotal insight from the Book of 1 Peter, unveiling the incredible depth of atonement and healing through Jesus Christ. This verse is a beacon of hope amid our struggles, showcasing the profound significance of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross. In this passage, we witness the vivid portrayal of Christ’s suffering, … Read more

Power of the Word: Decoding Romans 10:17

Romans 10:17 So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Verse Of The Day BibleBreathe Featured Image

Romans 10:17, fam, it’s like the ultimate mic drop moment in the Book of Romans, straight from the Bible’s New Testament. Check it, this verse ain’t just your run-of-the-mill Scripture, it’s a roadmap to unlocking the power of faith. It’s all about how hearing the Word of God flips the switch on your faith meter. … Read more

Transcending Time: How Old Is God?

How old is God, fam? That’s a question that can have you contemplating deep, like staring at the night sky, trying to grasp the infinite. We’re all curious about God’s age, right? So, picture this: God’s like that eternal flame that never burns out, always there. He’s the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the … Read more